一. 开学日期: 2021年9月12日。
二. 注册手续: 网上注册
三. 学生年龄:09/01/2021前满6周岁, 原则上和在就读学校所在班级一致,但是根据学生的中文水平可做适当调整。新招生班级,报名人数需在3人或以上才开班。
四. 上课时间: 2021年9月12日起,至2022年5月22日止。每周日的下午1:30-3:30(节假日除外)。因疫情原因,本学年度将继续线上教学,老师们根据需要可能会调整上课时间。教会开始提供中餐后,我们会考虑改为面对面教学。
五. 学杂费用: 全年學費﹕8/31/2021之前: 一学年学费为$150 (不含书本费)。
8/31/2021之后:一学年学费为$170 (不含书本费)。
如果家庭在经济上有困难或家长在疫情期间失去工作, 可以向学校提出补助申请.
六. 退费及转班规定:
1. 9/12/2021前退学可退还全部学费,第三次课(9/26/2021)之前退学可退还 80%学费,三次课后该学费不再退还。学生需填妥退学申请表, 经老师和校长批准后才可拿回退费。已购买书本者, 课本费不予退款。
2. 如要转班请在第三堂课前办理转班手续。学生转班需经老师和校长批准,不得擅自转班。凡转班者,需交纳新的课本费。
3. 新生可试听两堂中文课。如果决定在第三堂课前退学,可退回全部学费。已购买书本者, 课本费不予退款.
七. 缴费方式:
1. 支票方式: 支票title : HCC Chinese school
寄到如下地址: Airi Cong
2. Quick pay: Airi Cong
Houston Chinese Church Chinese School
2020-2021 Registration Procedure
1. The first day of school: September 12th, 2021.
2. Students must be at least 6 years old on September 1st, 2021 to qualify for the first grade class. Most students will be put in the same grade as in their school grade. The student may be placed in a grade different from their school grade according to the student’s Chinese proficiency. For a new class, the number of students needs to be 3 or more to start the class.
3. Class time: September 12th, 2021 ~ May 22th, 2022, from 1: 30 pm-3: 30 pm every Sunday afternoon (except holidays). Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, online classes will continue this school year, and class time may be adjusted by the teachers. Our school may return to in-person learning after the lunch is provided by the church during 2021-2022 school year.
4. Tuition: The tuition for the whole school year is
$150 by 8/31/2021 (NOT including book fees).
$170 after 8/31/2021( NOT including book fees)
If the family has financial difficulties, they can apply for a tuition scholarship from the school.
5. Refund and class transfer:
a. Refund:
Any registered student may receive a full tuition refund if the student needs to withdraw before school starts. If a student decides to withdraw before the third class of the semester (9/26/2021), 80% tuition will be refunded. Book fee cannot be refunded. A withdraw form must be filled out and signed by the teacher and the principal.
b. Class transfer:
Students can transfer to another class before the third class of the semester. Transfer must be permitted by the teacher and the principal.
c. New students withdraw:New students can receive full tuition refund if they decide to withdraw before the third class of the semester. The book fee will be charged.
6. Registration Procedures:
Please register online at https://hcc-chinese-school.webnode.com/.
7. Payment methods:
2) Quick pay: Airi Cong
If you have any question, please email hccchineseschool@gmail.com
or call 832-518-9315